Monday, August 14, 2023

MySQL Database and Table Query

MySQL Database and Table Query For Getting Desired Result.

Rename A Table MySQL :-
rename TABLE super_category to category

Rename A Table Column Name MySQL :-
ALTER TABLE category change name category_name varchar(50)

Create Table Copy with Data without inherit indexes and auto_increment:-
CREATE TABLE master_category SELECT * FROM category

Create Table Copy only Structure without Data inherit indexes and auto_increment :-
CREATE TABLE master_category like category

One Table to Another Table Copy Selected Column Data :-
INSERT INTO master_category(description, create_date)  
SELECT description,create_date FROM category
One Table to Another Table Copy All Data :-
INSERT master_category SELECT * FROM category
Create Table with Selected Column Copy from Another Table with Data :-
CREATE TABLE category SELECT id, category_name FROM super_category
Create Table with Selected Column Copy from Another Table only Structure :
CREATE TABLE super_category SELECT id, category_name FROM category limit 0
One Database to Another Database Create Table Copy with Data  :-
CREATE TABLE profile.master_category SELECT * FROM king.category
One Database to Another Database Create Table Copy Structure  :-
CREATE TABLE profile.super_category like king.category

One Database Table Selected Column Data Copy to Another Databse Table :-
INSERT INTO profile.super_category(description, create_date)  
SELECT description,create_date FROM king.category
Delete Table All Records :-
TRUNCATE TABLE master_category
Delete Complete Table :-
DROP TABLE master_category
Add New Column in Existing Table :-
ALTER TABLE super_category ADD created_at DATETIME
ALTER TABLE super_category ADD sub_category VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE super_category ADD stock int(11) DEFAULT 0

Delete Selected Column from Existing Table :-
ALTER TABLE super_category DROP created_at
ALTER TABLE super_category DROP sub_category
ALTER TABLE super_category DROP active
Add a Value to a Selected Column for all records :-
update super_category set stock=10
Add DEFAULT value for Selected Column :-
ALTER TABLE super_category ALTER stock SET DEFAULT 15
ALTER TABLE super_category MODIFY stock INT NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE super_category MODIFY stock INT DEFAULT 0
Delete a Default Value From a Column :-
Add Auto Increment to Selected Column :-
Create a View :-
Create view tbl_category as select * from category

Show a View :-
select * from tbl_category

Conditional Sum for Employee PaySlip Record How many Times :- 
SELECT sum(if(emp_system_code='EMP-008',1,0)) as "SANAT DE",
sum(if(emp_system_code='EMP-002',1,0)) as AVALEONG
FROM paysilp_employee_details

Find duplicate values in one column :-
SELECT * FROM contacts ORDER BY email
SELECT email,COUNT(email) FROM contacts GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT(email) > 1
Find duplicate values in multiple columns :- 
SELECT first_name, COUNT(first_name),last_name,COUNT(last_name),email,
COUNT(email) FROM contacts GROUP BY first_name,last_name,email
HAVING  COUNT(first_name) > 1 AND COUNT(last_name) > 1 AND COUNT(email) > 1;

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